pamiri language造句


  1. Not all Tajiks speak a variety of Eastern Iranic Pamiri languages and are distinct from more western Tajiks.
  2. Himself being a Rushani speaker ( one of the many Pamiri languages ), he sings mostly in Tajiki and Rushani.
  3. The Pamiris are composed of people who speak the Pamiri languages, the indigenous language in the Gorno-Badakhshan autonomous province.
  4. The Scythian languages may have formed a dialect continuum : " Scytho-Sarmatian " in the west and " Scytho-Khotanese " or Pashto and Pamiri languages in Central Asia.
  5. Some Tajik scholars claim Pamiri languages to be a dialects of Tajik language and there has been a long running debate as to whether the Pamiris constituted a nationality separate from Tajiks.
  6. It's difficult to find pamiri language in a sentence. 用pamiri language造句挺难的
  7. In the Pamiri languages, the Pamiris refer to themselves as "'Pamiri "'or "'Badakhshani "', a reference to the historic Badakhshan region where they live.


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  6. "pamiri languages"造句
  7. "pamiri people"造句
  8. "pamiri rubab"造句
  9. "pamirian"造句
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